Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sea Animals are in Trouble

Who: Walruses, Polar Bears, and Ice Seals
What: Animals are dieing from the melting ice caps in Alaska
When: Everyday
Where: Alaska

In Alaska the ice caps (glaciers) are melting as a cause of global warming. As a result of these melting, the animals that live up there such as walruses, polar bears, and ice seals are dieing. In the spring time the caps melt even more which causing the walruses to lye on the ice, but they are found all over the ice which is not so good. Also, the seals live in the water and they cut a hole in the ice, with their claws, so that they can create lairs on the top of the ice where they are able to birth their young, if the ice keeps melting they will not be able to birth their young. In my opinion, we should try to help the cause of global warming, because it is killing the environment and the animals. If we don't try to stop this, the sea animals are going to suffer.