Thursday, May 29, 2008

Class Response

Whoosh! That's the sound a kite makes when its soring through the sky. Have you ever flew a kite on the beach and wondered how it flew. Well i have three interesting facts on why I believe kites fly. One interesting fact is that most kites are light in material, so that they will be able to sore really high in the sky. Also, the sea breeze gives the kite lots of wind to fly because the land is hot in the day time so the ocean with be giving lots of wind that will make the light objects fly like kites. Lastly, the shape of kites affect the way kites fly. For example, if a kite is a one dimensional shape it might fly better than a three dimensional kite because the one dimensional kite is very light and the wind could easily pick it up, but with a three dimensional kite the wind might get caught in the packets, and the will not get enough wind to make it fly. Two other interesting facts about kites are that they were invented back then by the Wright Brothers and in 230 B.C. they were kite flying festivals in Japan. In conclusion, kites are very unique and there are many ways that they fly.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Class Response

Have you ever done or watched an experiment that you thought was the coolest thing ever? Well I have, for example when the a teacher came to our science class and showed us a little experiment on density. It was really interesting because to make one liquid denser than the other she just added salt. However, she also had many different colors of liquid so that you could see the change. For example, if the red liquid had no salt then it would float to the top, but when she split the the red water into two sections with board and put a blue food dye into one of the sections and added a ton of salt, then took the board out of the sections, you would see that the blue dye would sink to the bottom because it was denser than the red dye. Also, she did an experiment that involved a straw and the many difffernt colors of the rainbow . For instance, she took a straw and had many cups for different colors that were different desity's, then she dipped the straw into the least dense color and so on, until she got to the densest, and inside the straw was the rainbow. Density is the physical property of matter. Also, density can be decribed as how closely "packed" or "crowded" the material appears to be. In my opinion, density is very important in our lives, because if we didn't know about density we would not be able to understand why in the ocean the warm water floats to the top and why cold water floats to the bottom. In conclusion, density is very important and there are many important examples that can be used to teach someone.