Thursday, December 20, 2007

Gentle Giant Gorilla's

Who: Gorilla's
What: Being killed
Where: Democratic Republic of Congo
When: Past last year
Why: Nobody knows yet

In many places gorilla's are being killed by Poachers'. Sometimes you can find a gorilla with missing arms or legs, thats because they have been shot at, or yo may find dead gorilla's because they have been shot to death. There are about 700 mountain gorillas left in the world today. We need to help this problem before gorilla's are extinct just like the dinosaurs. In my opinion, I think that we should just leave the gorilla's alone, they haven't done anything to us so why should we kill them. In relation to that the gorilla's are called gentle giants, that because they haven't really hurt a human for no reason. However, gorilla's will attack if you come close to the babies or the mother. But other than that the are gentle giants, who shouldn't be killed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wiki Web

A class assignment that we are currently working on is about wiki's. Wiki's are an online website that people can go to, to get information about a certain topic. My wiki is about Divergent Boundary. And Divergent Boundary means, where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. Also, my teacher says that wiki's are an online chat, because you can look at your classmates work, and you can look at there wiki's to get ideas about your own wiki. However, if you explore through wiki, you can find different tools to make your wiki better than it already is. In our wiki, for our unit, it has all information about science. In addition, you can add pictures and likes to websites, so your reader can learn a little more information about your topic. In conclusion, wiki's a great, and you can learn a lot from them.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Newton's Laws of Science

Newton's Laws of Science, are very important in the world today, because we need his laws to understand physics. Newton's first law states that, "An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." Newton's second law states that, "Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass, (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object). Newton's third law states that, "For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action." Some examples to represent what Newton's laws mean, The first laws means, that there is a natural tendency of object to keep on doing what they're doing. All objects resist changes in their state of motion will maintain this state of motion. His second law means that, everyone knows that the heavier object require more force to move the same distance as lighter objects. The third law means that, for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. In my opinion, Newton's laws should be taught all around the world, because it is important to learn about the study of physics, and by learning about Newton's laws of Motion, you will have a better understanding of the study of physics. In conclusion, without Newton's laws the world would be a different place.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Reverse Leopard

What: Borneo Leopard Changes Its Spots
Where: Borneo
Who: Leopards

When: March 15, 2007


Extra, Extra read all about it, a new species of animals has just been discovered. Everyone has seen a leopard with brownish fur and orange spots. Well, recently discoverers have found a different type of leopard, it has orange fur and brownish spots. This type of leopard is called the clouded leopard. These types of leopard are only found in Borneo. Also, these leopards are the new species of big cats. In Borneo, these leopards are the biggest predators. However, this species is also an endangered species, so hunters have to be extra careful and not kill these leopards. In my opinion, animal biologist should look into this because, if they found one animal, there could be many more animals out there that we haven't discovered yet. In conclusion, there are many different types of species out there, and it is up to us to find them.

Munch Munch Crocodile

What: American Crocodile Back From The Brink
Where: West Palm Beach, Florida
Who: The Crocodiles
When: March 20, 2007


As most of you know, Florida has the biggest population of crocodiles than any other state in the United States of America. Well, that almost changed because crocodiles were almost to be endangered and threatened. They were almost to there extinction because a lot of people were killing these reptiles. But, that is all about to change because The Endangered Species Act, came and made it illegal to harass, poach or kill these reptiles. Most people are saying that Florida has its history of the crocodiles living there and that if anyone was to make those reptiles extinct it would make a problem occur. In my opinion, that law is fabulous because we need to save crocodiles from extinction. By having crocodiles extinct in Florida, we are losing a part of our history, because they will no longer be there. Also, I think that we should start to kill other animals such as Mountain Lions in California. In my research, I found that there are more Mountain Lion attacks than any other animal in the U.S., including crocodile attacks in Florida. In conclusion, we should save same wildlife, such as crocodiles.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

What: 'Jesus Tomb' documentary got it wrong Where: Jerusalem
Who: Christianity

When: A Long Time Period


In Jerusalem there was a scholar that found a document that talked about "The Lost Tomb of Jesus," and he found that it was mistaken. He found that the tomb of Jesus was never really lost, he claims that it is in a cave in Jerusalem. Do to this, the scholar told other scholar, and that scholar told more and more scholars, so their was more than 4 million people that had tuned into the Discovery Channel show, "The Jesus Family Tomb.". As a result to the show, they found in southern Jerusalem in 1980, the remains of Jesus. Now, most Christians believe that Jesus when to heaven and lived peaceful. However, after they discovered the tomb, some people made a movie about it, and it was said that the movie was "pimping the bible." In my opinion, matters should be taken seriously because, know that they found one tomb, there could be other tombs from Jesus's family, and if that happens, we could do research on it and maybe even put the remains of whatever they find, in a staff museum, so everyone could see the remains of the people who made there religion.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Superhero Project

The topic that I decided to write about, was about the Superhero Project. I loved the superhero project because we got to write a project about superheroes, I enjoyed that because I am so fascinated by superheroes. Also, we got to pick two superheroes and predict what might the offspring look like and what might its powers will be and what abilities it might have. Lastly, we got to draw the superhero baby, and that was fun because we got to put all the traits together and see what it would look like. In my opinion this project was very fun and interesting because using two totally different superheroes and putting them together to make an offspring. I was also fun and interesting, because we got to use all the work that we learned before and put it all together. For example, we had to use a trait chart, a punnett squares chart and lastly we used a tally chart to see what sex the offspring would be. What I learned from a website was that DNA is polymer. And a polymer is a compound formed from two or more polymeric compounds. Polymer is know as "polynucleotide." Also, that Adenine and Guanine are purines. And that Cytosine and Thymine are pyrimidines.

Gummy Bear DNA

The topic I'm going to write about is about the Gummy Bear project we completed in class. The three interesting facts that caught my eyes were that we were going to make a DNA strand out of different color Gummy Bears and different colored twizzlers. The whole purpose of this project was to make a DNA strand only using candies. However their was a trick. The trick was that Adenine and Thymine were represented by the Red and Orange colored Gummy Bears. And Cytosine and Guanine are represented by the Yellow and Green colored Gummy Bears. What I have learned is that DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Also, that there is DNA in every human being. In my opinion DNA is fun to learn about because there is DNA inside of everyone and that without someones DNA they wouldn't be a human being. Also, that an offspring gets half the DNA from one parent and half the DNA from another parent. One fact that I learned on the internet was that Adenine and Guanine are purines and that Cytosine and Thymine are pyrimidines. Also, that DNA is a polymer. A polymer is a compound formed from two or more polymeric compounds.

Friday, February 23, 2007

It's a Tornado, It's a Tornado

What: Florida cleans up after 20 killed in storm
Where: Lady Lakes Florida
Who: Injured millions of people
When: February 2, 2007


Down in Florida there was a big storm. The storm hit a town called Lady Lake. The storm was a disaster, in wiped out a lot of houses and buildings. But worse of all, it injured tons of people and killed 20 people also. It started with a thunderstorm, and then there was a tornado, and then it ended with another thunderstorm. The tornado had winds estimated up to 200 mph. The tornado hit in the hours of 3 and 4 in the morning. It was a catastrophe, once the tornado was over; the next thunderstorm hit and soaked houses that had no roofs. There were piles of aluminum siding, bricks, belongings, and tree limbs and lumber that were destroyed. To top it all off, power lines and traffic signals out in many areas. Some religious groups went out and tried to rescue injured workers and victims. While 40 National Guards distributed blankets, food, and water to the residents. I feel that the people who were victims of the storm need help, and we need to help them as a community. With all of our help we can rebuild Lady Lake and give back to the people that lost everything from this terrible storm.n>

Chimpanzees are smart animals

What: Chimpanzees may have used 'hammers' 4,300 years ago.
Where: West Africa
Who: Chimpanzees
When: February 12, 2007


Have chimpanzees been using hammers for over 4,300 years? In West Africa, a team of researchers discovered hammers and realized that chimpanzees use this tool. The hammers were used to crack nuts and it made the chimps have a behavior affects. They realized that the chimps and other living creatures used this stone hammer in the 1600s. The tool was about the size of a cantaloupe. It would be too big for human hands, but perfect for larger, stronger hands of the chimps. However, there were no humans back then, so the chimpanzees couldn't have got the tool from villagers. Some of the hammers had a little residue on them, which made you think the chimpanzees used it. In conclusion, chimpanzees were a smart animal to be using stone hammers. Also, I feel that the researchers should do more research on chimps because they could find more artifacts and more tools that we may not have discovered yet.

Sinkholes are in Town

What: Giant sinkhole swallows father, teens
Were: Guatemala City
Who: father and two teenagers missing
When: February 23, 2007


Well this story was about the sinkhole that occurred in Guatemala City. The sinkhole destroyed homes and some peoples families also. It hit in an area that was very ruptured and an area that had cemented homes. A father and two teenagers were found missing. They are still not found till this day. Some of those unfortunate people had items destroyed, and once everyone evacuated they went back to there homes to get the items that they cared about the most, like televisions and other items. I feel that the community should help the less unfortunate people to get their belongings back. We all can save Guatemala City, if we help people out.