Sunday, March 9, 2008

Math Blogs

Every student, has to take a math test while their in school. Recently, nine states have decided to make a common high school math test for the first time. The states include, Arkansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. All of those nine states are trying to figure out which students to give the test to, but they know that the test will probably go to the students who are taking Algebra II. Also, the states are thinking that they are going to consider making the test scores available to collage placement offices. Students usually take Algebra II after taking algebra and geometry. Research has shown that students who complete Algebra II, are more likely to earn a collage degree. By knowing that, more states are requiring their high school students to take Algebra II. However many people are disagreeing with the decision to have a few states have to same high school math test, they feel that the states are setting there standards too low. Also, many more students are able to achieve proficiency on the state tests than on national math tests. In my opinion, states should make there own tests that are different from other states, because when the actual tests cames around then that will judge how much that student really knows on that subject.

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